Major lectures of Ludwig D.J. Eggermont
- 1970, October 22, Thursday-morning lecture Nat. Lab.,
Elastic stores for an integrated digital telephony network
- 1971, Sept. - 1972, May, Philips International
Institute, Eindhoven,
Introduction to Pulse Code Modulation, course
- 1972, October 26, 226th Working meeting of NERG,
Applications of digital filters in telephony
- 1973, April 18, A/D-D/A Symposium, Nat. Lab.,
PCM coding and decoding for integrated switching and transmission
- 1974, May 20, Electronic Colloquium, Nat. Lab.,
Digital filters in telephony
- 1975, Jan. 14, IEE Colloquium on Application of active,
digital and passive filters, London,
Efficient multiplication in digital filters
- 1975, Apr. 9, MOS LSI Symposium, Malmesbury, UK,
The application of MOS LSI in coding: an integrated codec
- 1975, Jun. 18, ICC 75, San Fransisco,
1975, June 23, Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa,
1975, June 30, Bell Labs, Murray Hill,
1975, July 1, Bell Labs, Holmdel,
A single channel PCM coder with companded DM and
bandwidth-restricting digital filtering
- 1975, Oct. 3, IEE Colloquium on Differential Quantizing
Systems, Loughborough,
Signal/Quantising-distortion ratio measurements on deltamodulation
speech coding systems
- 1976, Febr. 2, IEEE ASSP Arden House Workshop on
Digital Signal Processing, Harriman, N.Y., USA,
Time-efficient multiplication in digital filters
- 1976, Dec. 7/14, Digital filter course Nat. Lab.,
Design and implementation of non-recursive digital filters
- 1977, Febr. 2, Digital filter course Nat. Lab.,
Computer-aided design of digital signal processing hardware
- 1978, Apr. 4, ICASSP 78, Tulsa, OKL., USA,
Signal/Quantizing-distortion ratio measurements of fast-adaptive
deltamodulation systems
- 1978, May 22, Electronic Colloquium, Nat. Lab.,
Digital filters for code conversion between DM and PCM
- 1979, May 30, Working meeting NERG/IEEE, Eindhoven,
Oversampling in waveform coding
- 1979, Jun. 25, Electronic Colloquium, Nat. Lab.,
Digital audio: music with a future?
- 1980, Febr. 19, Meeting IEEE/NERG/KIVI, Nat. Lab.,
Digital audio: problems and prospects
- 1981, September 4, First International Workshop on VLSI
in Communications, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Consequences of application constraints in speech, wideband audio
and image signal processing
- 1982, April 21, Concern Committee for CAD,
Design methodology and CAD tools for custom VLSI
- 1982, August 18, Hewlett-Packard Research, Palo Alto, CA,
1982, August 25, Hitachi, Musashi Works, Japan,
1982, August 26, NEC, Tamagawa Plant, Japan,
1982, August 27, OKI, Semiconductor Division, Tokyo 193,
1982, August 30, NTT, Musashino El. Comm. Lab., Tokyo 180,
1982, August 31, Toshiba, Semic. Division, Tokyo 210, Japan,
1982, September 1, Fujitsu, Computer Division, Kaisaki 211,
1982, September 2, Sony, Atsugi, Japan,
Interfacing for custom VLSI between System House and Design
House/Silicon Foundry
- 1983, November 1, Concern Committee for CAD,
VLSI and Product Development in Philips
- 1984, May 25, CCC-Subgroup for CAD-VLSI, Eindhoven,
Elcoma CAD status and plans
- 1984, October 11, NEUSCAM, Eindhoven,
Workstation activities in Philips
- 1985, April 26, ARCADE Policy Board, Eindhoven,
System Engineering Study plan
- 1985, Augustus 16, ARCADE Policy Board, Eindhoven,
User Requirements Specification
- 1985, December 18, ARCADE Policy Board, Eindhoven,
System Requirements Specification and System Design
- 1986, April 23, National Communications Managers
Meeting, Hotel Cocagne, Eindhoven,
CAD and Communications
- 1986, May 7, CAD-M group CAD Centre, Eindhoven,
Performance Analysis in the ARCADE System Engineering Study
- 1986, June 2, IIS Conference on Application Architecture,
Koningshof, Veldhoven,
CAD Architecture
- 1986, June 5, CAD-Erfahrungsaustausch ALLDELPHI, Hamburg,
CAD in Philips
- 1986, June 2, TCV Elcoma, Technical Directors Meeting,
1986, June 11, Development Coordinators of 6 Elcoma Business
Units, Eindhoven,
1986, June 26, Application Labs Managers Meeting, Eindhoven,
1986, July 11, I&E Control Board Technical Information Systems,
The CAD plan
- 1986, July 10, ARCADE Management Team, Eindhoven,
EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format)
- 1986, September 12, CAD Centre Colloquium, Eindhoven,
System Engineering Study for a Design Management System
- 1986, September 18, Concern Committee for CAD, Eindhoven,
Progress ARCADE project
- 1986, Oktober 9, CAD Forum, Eindhoven,
Design Management: Requirements Definition & System
- 1987, May 12, EIRMA Round Table Meeting on Management
problems associated with the choice and application of computers
and software for laboratories, Paris,
Role of the management structure
- 1988, Oct. 6, Second European EDIF Forum,
Chairman's Opening Speech,
- 1989,April 4, Esprit Steering Committee, Hilton
Schiphol meeting,
External exploitation of internally developed CAD tools
- 1989, May 19, CAVE Workshop, Nice,
Experiences with EDIF standardisation
- 1990, Nov. 28, Van Cauterenlezing, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven,
Elektronisch ontwerpen in de industrie
- 1992, Nov. 24, panel at ESPRIT Conference Week,
Application pull on CAD
- 1993, Apr. 16, European R&D Coordination Committee,
Status of the JESSI Program
- 1993, Sep. 28/29, JESSI SMI CAD Workshop, Nürnberg,
JESSI AC 75 provides CAD tools for DSP System Design
- 1993, Oct. 12, JESSI Review, Leuven,
Progress of the DSP Project
- 1994, Jun. 22, European R&D Coordination Committee,
Status of the JESSI Program
- 1994, Nov. 22, JESSI Computer Cluster Review, Eindhoven,
Status of DSP Project AC 75 D: Productizing CAD-Tools for a DSP
ASIC Design Methodology
- 1994, Dec. 19, Microelectronics Advisory Group, DG XIII,
European Commission, IMEC, Leuven,
An Industrial View of what has been achieved in Design Technology
for DSP Systems and a Perspective for Future Activities
- 1995, Nov. 17, JESSI Computer Cluster Review, Les
Clayes-sous-Bois, France,
Progress on Project AC 75 G: Design Methodologies and Tools for
DSP Systems-on-a-Chip
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Author: Ludwig D.J.
Last updated: 27 September 1999